Gender Equality Course

Gender Equality Course

Course Image

Certificate Yes

Cost €80/day

Language English

Duration 5 Day course

Cities: Antalya

The "Gender Equality Course" aims to educate participants on the principles, challenges, and strategies related to promoting gender equality in educational settings and beyond. Participants will explore the importance of gender equality, analyze existing inequalities, and develop skills to foster inclusive and equitable environments.


This course is designed for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in advancing gender equality in education and society. Through interactive sessions, discussions, and practical exercises, participants will examine gender stereotypes, discrimination, and systemic barriers. They will explore strategies to promote inclusivity, empower individuals of all genders, and create environments where everyone can thrive.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the concepts and importance of gender equality in education and society.
  • Analyze gender stereotypes, biases, and their impact on learning and development.
  • Explore strategies to promote gender-sensitive teaching practices and curriculum development.
  • Develop skills in addressing gender-based discrimination and creating inclusive educational environments.
  • Foster collaboration and advocacy for gender equality within educational institutions and communities.
  • Reflect on personal and institutional practices to advance gender equality in diverse settings.

Methodology and Implementation

● Interactive Workshops: Engage in discussions and activities to explore gender equality principles and strategies.

● Case Studies: Analyze real-world examples of successful gender equality initiatives in education.

● Role-Playing Exercises: Simulate scenarios to practice addressing gender bias and discrimination.

● Collaborative Learning: Share best practices and learn from peers to enhance gender equality efforts.

Assessment Implementation

● Gender Equality Action Plan: Develop and present an action plan to promote gender equality in educational settings.

● Peer Feedback: Provide and receive feedback on gender equality strategies and action plans.

● Reflective Journals: Document personal insights and growth in fostering gender equality throughout the course.

Daily Programme

Day 1: Introduction to Gender Equality

Morning Session:

  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Understanding Gender Equality: Concepts and Importance

Afternoon Session:

  • Gender Stereotypes and Biases: Impact on Education and Society
  • Workshop: Exploring Gender Inequality in Educational Contexts

Day 2: Promoting Gender-Sensitive Education

Morning Session:

  • Gender-Responsive Teaching Practices
  • Case Study Analysis: Effective Strategies for Gender Equality in Schools

Afternoon Session:

  • Curriculum Development: Integrating Gender Perspectives
  • Group Activity: Designing Gender-Sensitive Learning Materials

Day 3: Addressing Gender-Based Discrimination

Morning Session:

  • Legal Frameworks and Policies: Rights and Responsibilities
  • Workshop: Strategies for Addressing Gender Bias and Discrimination

Afternoon Session:

  • Role-Playing Exercise: Handling Gender-Related Challenges in Education
  • Peer Collaboration: Sharing Gender Equality Advocacy Initiatives

Day 4: Creating Inclusive Educational Environments

Morning Session:

  • Building Inclusive School Cultures
  • Workshop: Empowering Students through Gender Equality Education

Afternoon Session:

  • Gender Mainstreaming: Institutional Practices and Policies
  • Peer Review: Evaluating Gender Equality Action Plans

Day 5: Evaluation and Future Directions

Morning Session:

  • Assessing Gender Equality Progress: Tools and Strategies
  • Workshop: Reflecting on Personal and Institutional Practices

Afternoon Session:

  • Future Trends in Gender Equality Education: Innovation and Continuous Improvement
  • Final Presentations: Showcasing Gender Equality Action Plans
  • Closing Remarks, Certificate Distribution, and Course Evaluation