Flipped Classroom Method Course

Flipped Classroom Method Course

Course Image

Certificate Yes

Cost €80/day

Language English

Duration 5 Day course

Cities: Antalya

The course on the "Flipped Classroom Method" is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to implement flipped learning models effectively in their teaching practice. Participants will learn how to leverage technology to deliver content outside of class, thereby maximizing in-class time for active learning and student engagement.


This course introduces educators to the concept of flipped classrooms, where traditional teaching methods are reversed. Participants will explore strategies for creating and delivering pre-recorded video lectures, online tutorials, and other digital resources. They will learn how to design interactive and collaborative activities for in-class sessions that promote deeper learning and critical thinking.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the principles and benefits of the flipped classroom approach.
  • Learn how to create engaging and effective pre-class content, such as videos and online resources.
  • Develop strategies for facilitating active learning and student-centered activities during in-class sessions.
  • Explore tools and technologies for implementing and managing a flipped classroom model.
  • Evaluate the impact of flipped learning on student engagement, learning outcomes, and academic performance.

Methodology and Implementation

● Introduction to Flipped Learning: Overview of flipped classroom models and pedagogical principles.

● Creating Pre-Class Content: Techniques for producing high-quality videos, tutorials, and digital resources.

● Active Learning Strategies: Designing interactive activities and assignments for in-class engagement.

● Technology Tools: Exploring platforms and tools for content delivery, student interaction, and assessment.

● Assessment and Feedback: Strategies for assessing student learning and providing timely feedback.

● Reflective Practice: Opportunities for educators to reflect on their flipped classroom experiences and refine their approach.

Assessment Implementation

● Pre-Class Engagement: Monitoring student participation and preparation through online quizzes or reflections.

● In-Class Activities: Assessing student engagement, collaboration, and critical thinking during active learning sessions.

● Content Mastery: Evaluating student understanding through quizzes, discussions, or project outcomes.

● Feedback Mechanisms: Soliciting feedback from students on their learning experiences and adjustments needed.

Daily Programme

Day 1: Introduction to Flipped Classroom Method

Morning Session:

  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Principles and Benefits of Flipped Learning

Afternoon Session:

  • Workshop: Designing Effective Pre-Class Content
  • Hands-On Activity: Creating Video Lectures

Day 2: Developing Interactive Learning Activities

Morning Session:

  • Seminar: Active Learning Strategies in Flipped Classrooms
  • Group Activity: Designing Collaborative Projects

Afternoon Session:

  • Case Study Analysis: Successful Implementation of Flipped Learning Models
  • Peer Review: Feedback on Activity Designs

Day 3: Technology Tools for Flipped Learning

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Exploring Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Digital Tools
  • Practical Session: Using Online Platforms for Content Delivery

Afternoon Session:

  • Guest Speaker: Technology Integration in Education
  • Q&A and Discussion on Tool Selection

Day 4: Assessing Learning Outcomes

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Formative and Summative Assessment Strategies
  • Developing Rubrics for Assessing Projects and Assignments

Afternoon Session:

  • Peer Feedback: Evaluating Assessment Methods
  • Reflection on Assessment Practices

Day 5: Implementation and Evaluation

Morning Session:

  • Implementing Flipped Classroom Strategies: Action Planning
  • Addressing Challenges and Adaptations

Afternoon Session:

  • Final Project Presentations: Showcasing Flipped Classroom Designs
  • Closing Remarks, Feedback, and Course Evaluation