Preschool Philosophies Course

Preschool Philosophies Course

Course Image

Certificate Yes

Cost €80/day

Language English

Duration 5 Day course

Cities: Antalya

The "Preschool Philosophies Course" introduces educators to various educational philosophies and approaches specifically tailored for preschool settings. Participants will explore foundational theories, principles, and practices that underpin early childhood education, focusing on creating nurturing and developmentally appropriate learning environments.


This course delves into key educational philosophies and methodologies relevant to preschool education. Participants will examine philosophies such as Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and others, exploring their unique approaches to child development, curriculum design, and learning environments. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how these philosophies shape teaching practices and promote holistic development in young children.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the principles and goals of major preschool educational philosophies.
  • Explore how different philosophies influence curriculum planning and classroom management.
  • Apply principles of child-centered learning to create engaging and developmentally appropriate activities.
  • Evaluate the suitability of various educational philosophies for different preschool contexts.
  • Reflect on personal teaching practices and integrate insights from diverse philosophies into teaching strategies.

Methodology and Implementation

● Theory and Philosophy Exploration: Lectures and discussions on Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and other preschool philosophies.

● Practical Application: Workshops and hands-on activities to apply principles in curriculum design and classroom setup.

● Observation and Reflection: Visits to preschools using different philosophies, followed by reflection sessions on observed practices.

● Guest Speakers: Insights from practitioners and experts in early childhood education.

● Group Projects: Collaborative projects to develop curriculum plans aligned with chosen philosophies.

Assessment Implementation

● Curriculum Analysis: Evaluating and critiquing existing preschool curricula based on chosen philosophies.

● Case Studies: Analyzing case studies of preschools implementing different educational philosophies.

● Teaching Demonstrations: Presenting and receiving feedback on teaching activities designed using specific philosophies.

● Final Project: Developing a comprehensive preschool curriculum plan integrating principles from multiple philosophies.

Daily Programme

Day 1: Introduction to Preschool Philosophies

Morning Session:

  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Introduction to Educational Philosophies in Preschool Settings

Afternoon Session:

  • Workshop: Understanding Montessori Education
  • Discussion: Comparing Different Philosophies

Day 2: Montessori Education

Morning Session:

  • Montessori Principles and Practices
  • Practical Activities: Montessori Materials Exploration

Afternoon Session:

  • Visiting a Montessori Preschool
  • Reflection and Discussion on Observations

Day 3: Reggio Emilia Approach

Morning Session:

  • Key Principles of Reggio Emilia Education
  • Workshop: Designing Reggio Emilia-Inspired Learning Environments

Afternoon Session:

  • Case Study Analysis: Reggio Emilia Schools Worldwide
  • Group Project: Creating a Reggio Emilia Curriculum Activity

Day 4: Waldorf Education

Morning Session:

  • Waldorf Philosophy and Pedagogy
  • Artistic and Imaginative Activities in Waldorf Education

Afternoon Session:

  • Visiting a Waldorf School
  • Reflective Discussion on Waldorf Teaching Methods

Day 5: Integrating Philosophies in Preschool Settings

Morning Session:

  • Combining Educational Philosophies: Integrating Approaches
  • Final Project Work: Developing a Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum

Afternoon Session:

  • Presentations: Sharing Curriculum Plans
  • Closing Remarks, Feedback, and Course Evaluation