STEM & Robotics

STEM & Robotics

Course Image

Certificate Yes

Cost €80/day

Language English

Duration 5 Day course

Cities: Antalya

The course on "STEM & Robotics" aims to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to integrate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) principles and robotics into their teaching practices, fostering hands-on learning and innovation among students.


This comprehensive course explores the foundational principles of STEM education and robotics, emphasizing interdisciplinary learning, problem-solving, and creativity. Participants will engage in practical activities, explore cutting-edge technologies, and learn how to design and implement robotics projects in educational settings

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the principles and importance of STEM education and robotics in 21st-century learning.
  • Explore various robotics platforms, tools, and technologies used in educational settings.
  • Develop skills in designing and programming robots to solve real-world challenges.
  • Foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among students through robotics projects.
  • Learn how to integrate robotics into STEM curriculum and promote career readiness in STEM fields.

Methodology and Implementation

● Introduction to STEM and Robotics: Overview of STEM education principles and robotics applications.

● Hands-On Robotics Workshops: Practical sessions on building and programming robots.

● Project-Based Learning: Designing and implementing robotics projects aligned with curriculum standards.

● Collaborative Problem-Solving: Group activities and challenges to promote teamwork and innovation.

● Industry Insights: Guest lectures and discussions with experts in robotics and STEM fields.

● Field Trips and Demonstrations: Visits to robotics labs or industry sites for hands-on experiences.

Assessment Implementation

● Robotics Project Assessment: Evaluation of student-designed robots based on functionality, innovation, and teamwork.

● Skills Assessment: Testing student proficiency in programming, problem-solving, and collaboration.

● Reflections and Portfolios: Student reflections on their learning experiences and project outcomes.

● Peer Evaluation: Feedback from peers on teamwork and project contributions.

Daily Programme

Day 1: Introduction to STEM & Robotics

Morning Session:

  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Importance of STEM Education and Robotics in Modern Learning

Afternoon Session:

  • Workshop: Introduction to Robotics Platforms
  • Hands-On Activity: Building and Programming Simple Robots

Day 2: Exploring Robotics Technologies

Morning Session:

  • Seminar: Robotics Tools and Technologies
  • Practical Session: Programming Robots for Basic Tasks

Afternoon Session:

  • Group Project: Designing Robot Challenges
  • Peer Feedback: Testing and Improving Robot Designs

Day 3: Project-Based Learning in STEM

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Planning STEM-Robotics Integration
  • Case Study Analysis: Successful Robotics Curriculum Models

Afternoon Session:

  • Robotics Challenge: Solving Real-World Problems
  • Reflection and Peer Evaluation

Day 4: Collaboration and Innovation

Morning Session:

  • Guest Speaker: Innovations in Robotics and STEM Industries
  • Interactive Session: Collaborative Robotics Projects

Afternoon Session:

  • Industry Visit or Virtual Tour: Robotics Lab or Tech Company
  • Group Discussion: Future Trends in Robotics and STEM Careers

Day 5: Implementing STEM & Robotics in Education

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Integrating Robotics into STEM Curriculum
  • Strategies for Promoting STEM Careers and College Readiness

Afternoon Session:

  • Final Project Presentations: Showcasing Robotics Projects
  • Closing Remarks, Feedback, and Course Evaluation