Coaching and Mentoring Course


Course Image

Certificate Yes

Cost €80/day

Language English

Duration 5 Day course

Cities: Antalya, Bitola

"Empowering Education: Integrating STEM and STEAM for 21st Century Learning" is a cutting-edge course meticulously crafted to empower educators with a comprehensive toolkit aimed at seamlessly infusing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education into their pedagogical repertoire. Rooted in the visionary objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme, this course serves as a beacon for educators, highlighting the paramount importance of nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and innovation in students through dynamic interdisciplinary learning experiences.


This transformative course is meticulously tailored for educators who ardently champion the preparation of students for the dynamic challenges and boundless opportunities of the 21st century. Through an immersive journey, participants will delve deep into the foundational principles and cutting-edge practices of STEM and STEAM education. From mastering the art of curriculum design to implementing captivating interdisciplinary projects, educators will emerge equipped with a diverse array of strategies to ignite passion and curiosity in their students.

Throughout the course, participants will be guided in discovering innovative methodologies to foster inquiry-based learning, cultivate robust problem-solving skills, and instill a culture of collaboration within their classrooms. By leveraging the symbiotic relationship between STEM and the arts, educators will unlock the potential to nurture well-rounded individuals poised to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape. Moreover, this course goes beyond theory, providing practical insights and real-world examples to empower educators to translate their newfound knowledge into impactful classroom practices. With a focus on experiential learning and peer collaboration, participants will embark on a transformative journey, leaving with a refreshed perspective and a wealth of actionable strategies to elevate their teaching practice to new heights.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the concepts and principles of STEM and STEAM education and their relevance in preparing students for future careers and challenges.
  • Explore strategies for integrating STEM and STEAM disciplines into their curriculum to promote interdisciplinary learning and connections between subject areas.
  • Learn how to design and implement engaging STEM and STEAM projects that foster creativity, critical thinking, and innovation in students.
  • Develop the skills and confidence to facilitate inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, and collaborative teamwork among students.
  • Explore the use of digital technologies and tools to enhance STEM and STEAM learning experiences and promote digital literacy and fluency.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to share best practices, resources, and ideas for integrating STEM and STEAM education into their teaching practice and school culture.

Methodology and Implementation

Interactive Workshops: Participants will engage in interactive workshops where they will explore the principles and practices of STEM and STEAM education. Through hands-on activities, demonstrations, and group discussions, participants will gain practical insights into designing and delivering engaging interdisciplinary projects.

Project-Based Learning: Participants will work on collaborative, project-based learning activities where they will design and develop STEM and STEAM projects for their own classrooms or educational contexts. They will apply their knowledge and skills to create innovative and engaging learning experiences that integrate multiple disciplines and promote inquiry-based learning and problem-solving skills.

Digital Tools and Technologies: Participants will explore the use of digital technologies and tools to enhance STEM and STEAM learning experiences. They will learn how to leverage digital platforms, simulations, coding tools, and multimedia resources to support inquiry-based learning, experimentation, and exploration in STEM and STEAM disciplines.

Assessment Implementation

Project Assessment: Participants will present their STEM and STEAM projects to their peers and receive feedback on their design, implementation, and outcomes. They will demonstrate their ability to integrate multiple disciplines, promote inquiry-based learning, and engage students in collaborative problem-solving and innovation.

Reflection and Self-Assessment: Participants will engage in reflection activities to evaluate their own learning and growth throughout the course. They will assess their progress towards achieving the learning objectives and identify areas for further development and improvement in their practice.

Peer Feedback: Participants will provide feedback to their peers on their STEM and STEAM projects and presentations. They will offer constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement based on their own experiences and perspectives, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Daily Programme

Day 1: Introduction to STEM and STEAM Education

Morning Session:

  • Welcome and Course Introduction
  • Workshop: Understanding STEM and STEAM Education

Afternoon Session:

  • Project-Based Learning Activity: Designing a STEM or STEAM Project
  • Digital Tools Exploration: Introduction to Digital Technologies for STEM and STEAM

Day 2: Integrating STEM and STEAM Disciplines

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Strategies for Integrating STEM and STEAM Disciplines
  • Project-Based Learning Activity: Developing Interdisciplinary Connections

Afternoon Session:

  • Digital Tools Exploration: Coding and Robotics for STEM and STEAM Education
  • Peer Collaboration: Sharing Project Ideas and Providing Feedback

Day 3: Inquiry-Based Learning and Problem-Solving

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Facilitating Inquiry-Based Learning in STEM and STEAM
  • Project-Based Learning Activity: Implementing Inquiry-Based Projects

Afternoon Session:

  • Digital Tools Exploration: Simulation and Modeling for STEM and STEAM Education
  • Peer Collaboration: Collaborative Problem-Solving and Innovation

Day 4: Creativity and Innovation in STEM and STEAM

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Fostering Creativity and Innovation in STEM and STEAM
  • Project-Based Learning Activity: Promoting Creative Expression

Afternoon Session:

  • Digital Tools Exploration: Multimedia and Visualization Tools for STEM and STEAM Education
  • Peer Collaboration: Sharing Creative Projects and Ideas

Day 5: Reflection and Integration

Morning Session:

  • Workshop: Reflecting on STEM and STEAM Learning Experiences
  • Action Planning: Developing Personalized Action Plans for STEM and STEAM Integration

Afternoon Session:

  • Peer Collaboration: Sharing Action Plans and Providing Feedback
  • Closing Reflection and Certificate Distribution