Coaching and Mentoring Course


Course Image

Certificate Yes

Cost €80/day

Language English

Duration 5 Day course

Cities: Antalya, Bitola

"Facilitating Transition and Career Guidance for Students" is a comprehensive course designed to equip educators and career guidance professionals with the tools, knowledge, and strategies necessary to support students in navigating transitions and making informed decisions about their academic and career pathways. Aligned with the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme, this course aims to empower participants to foster student success and well-being by providing effective transition support and career guidance services.
In today's rapidly evolving and competitive job market, students face numerous challenges and opportunities as they transition from school to further education, training, or employment. This course seeks to address these challenges by providing participants with evidence-based practices and innovative approaches to career development and transition support. By integrating theory with practical strategies, participants will gain the skills and confidence needed to empower students to explore their interests, strengths, and aspirations and make informed decisions about their future.


This course is designed for educators, school counselors, career advisors, and other professionals involved in supporting students' transition and career development. Through a blend of interactive workshops, case studies, group discussions, and experiential activities, participants will explore key concepts and strategies related to career guidance, transition planning, and employability skills development.

Participants will learn how to assess students' career readiness, identify their interests and strengths, and help them explore a wide range of educational and career options. They will also learn how to provide personalized guidance and support to students as they navigate transitions, set goals, and develop action plans for achieving their academic and career aspirations.

Throughout the course, participants will have the opportunity to engage with guest speakers, industry experts, and employers to gain insights into current trends and opportunities in the labor market. They will also learn how to leverage technology and online resources to enhance career exploration and decision-making processes.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively facilitate students' transition and career development, empowering them to make informed decisions and pursue fulfilling academic and career pathways.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of career guidance and transition support in promoting student success and well-being.
  • Identify the key stages of the transition process and the challenges students may face during these transitions.
  • Develop strategies for assessing students' career readiness, interests, strengths, and aspirations.
  • Learn how to provide personalized career guidance and support to students, including goal setting and action planning.
  • Explore a variety of educational and career options available to students and help them make informed decisions about their future.
  • Gain insights into current trends and opportunities in the labor market and the skills and competencies needed for success.
  • Learn how to leverage technology and online resources to enhance career exploration and decision-making processes.
  • Develop effective communication and counseling skills for engaging with students, parents, and other stakeholders.

Methodology and Implementation

Workshops and Interactive Activities: Participants will engage in interactive workshops and hands-on activities designed to explore key concepts and strategies related to career guidance and transition support. They will have the opportunity to practice counseling techniques, develop action plans, and role-play various scenarios.

Case Studies and Group Discussions: Participants will analyze case studies and engage in group discussions to deepen their understanding of real-world issues and challenges related to career guidance and transition support. They will explore ethical dilemmas, cultural considerations, and best practices in counseling and advising.

Guest Speakers and Panel Discussions: Participants will have the opportunity to learn from guest speakers, including career counselors, industry professionals, and employers, through guest lectures and panel discussions. They will gain insights into current trends, opportunities, and challenges in the labor market and hear firsthand accounts of successful career paths.

Role-Playing and Simulations: Participants will engage in role-playing exercises and simulations to practice counseling skills, simulate real-world scenarios, and develop empathy and understanding for students' experiences. They will have the opportunity to role-play as both counselors and students, providing and receiving feedback from their peers.

Assessment Implementation

Case Study Analysis: Participants will analyze case studies of student transitions and career development journeys, applying theoretical concepts and counseling techniques to understand students' needs and challenges.

Role-Playing Assessments: Participants will engage in role-playing exercises where they will be assessed on their counseling skills, empathy, and ability to effectively communicate and support students through various transition scenarios.

Action Plan Development: Participants will develop action plans for implementing career guidance and transition support strategies in their own educational contexts. They will be evaluated on the feasibility, relevance, and effectiveness of their action plans.

Peer and Self-Reflection: Participants will engage in peer and self-reflection activities to assess their own learning and growth throughout the course. They will reflect on their strengths, areas for improvement, and action steps for continued professional development.

Daily Programme

Day 1: Understanding Student Transitions

Morning Session:

  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Seminar: Understanding the Transition Process

Afternoon Session:

  • Workshop: Assessing Career Readiness
  • Case Study Analysis: Transition Challenges and Solutions

Day 2: Career Exploration and Development

Morning Session:

  • Seminar: Exploring Career Options
  • Workshop: Assessing Interests and Strengths

Afternoon Session:

  • Group Activity: Career Development Plans
  • Guest Speaker: Industry Trends and Opportunities

Day 3: Personalized Career Guidance

Morning Session:

  • Seminar: Providing Individualized Support
  • Workshop: Effective Counseling Techniques

Afternoon Session:

  • Role-Playing Exercise: Counseling Scenarios
  • Peer Feedback and Reflection

Day 4: Transition Planning and Goal Setting

Morning Session:

  • Seminar: Developing Transition Plans
  • Workshop: Goal Setting and Action Planning

Afternoon Session:

  • Group Activity: Action Plan Development
  • Peer Review and Feedback

Day 5: Empowering Students for Success

Morning Session:

  • Seminar: Empowering Students for Success
  • Workshop: Building Resilience and Self-Efficacy

Afternoon Session:

  • Career Fair: Networking and Opportunities
  • Reflection and Closing Ceremony